Getting here
All mountain roads leadS to Brimi Seter
From east or west, north or south: Brimi Seter is easily accessed by private car – or by public transport combined with a taxi. Or do as mountainers throughout history: Make your arrival in mountain boots through the mighty Jotunheimen mountains.
Address Brimi Seter: Smørlivegen, 2685 Garmo.
Eastern Norway; Follow the E6 through Gudbrandsdalen to the exit at Sjoa through Heidalen via Lemonsjøen to the highly visible Brimiland exit sign.
Trøndelag and Romsdalen: Follow the E6 past Dovre and take the exit to Vågåmo. Follow Riksveg 15 to the exit towards Valdresflye and from here to the highly visible Brimiland exit sign.
Valdres: Follow the National tourist road Valdresflye and continue in the direction of Vågåmo. Very visible sign by exit to Brimiland.
The Fjords: Drive via Valdres or take the National Tourist Route Sognefjellet or Gamle Strynefjellsveg to Lom. Drive Riksveg 15, and take the exit towards Valdresflye and the very visible Brimiland signpost.
Take a train to Otta station and possibly a scheduled bus to Vågåmo. From here, 20 minutes by taxi to Brimi Seter. See www.entur.no for all routes and connections.